1. All members of
the Club shall comply with all Federal Aviation Regulations, including all
pertinent state, airport, and Club rules while operating Club aircraft.
2. A violation of
any of the Club’s rules by a member renders him liable to either a temporary
flight suspension of not more than Thirty (30) days or a monetary fine not to
exceed One Hundred ($100) dollars, or both.
Repeated violations shall result in a recommendation by the Board of
Directors that the member be expelled from the Club; such recommendation to be
voted on by the membership. A majority
vote shall be necessary for expulsion.
3. All members must
be checked out and approved for solo by a flight instructor designated by the
Board of Directors before soloing any Club aircraft.
4. A member must
perform a thorough preflight inspection of the aircraft, including a visual
inspection of the fuel quantity, prior to commencing flight. Any damages or discrepancies should be
reported immediately to the maintenance officer and recorded on the squawk
sheet. If a condition is discovered
which may affect the airworthiness of the aircraft, the aircraft shall not be
flown until cleared by the maintenance officer.
5. Each member must
ascertain that the airworthiness and registration certificates, appropriate
operating limitations information, and operator’s manual are in the aircraft
prior to commencing flight.
6. All aircraft
operating limitations must be observed.
Aerobatic maneuvers are prohibited except those that are permissible
under the operating limitations when the aircraft is operated in the utility
7. Flight plans are
encouraged to be filed with the FAA for flights over sparsely populated,
mountainous, wooded or desert terrain areas, or for extended over water flight,
and are mandatory for all student solo cross-country flights in excess of Fifty
(50) nautical miles.
8. Club aircraft
shall be operated only from FAA or State approved commercial or public use
airports including RLAs. It is the
pilot’s responsibility to get permission and check the condition of any private
airport prior to landing there. Landing off airport anywhere is prohibited,
except in the case of an emergency.
9. Upon completion of a flight, a pilot must tidy up the
aircraft. Wastepaper and extra charts should be removed. The aircraft is to be secured with seatbelts
straightened, gust lock and tie downs fastened as appropriate, and doors locked. Aircraft should be cleaned of bugs and dirt
after every flight. Cleaning should include the leading edges of the wings and
stabilizers, the cowling, windshield, etc.
10. There will be NO SMOKING
OR VAPING in any Club aircraft or hangar or within Fifty (50) feet of any Club
11. All tanks will be
topped at the end of every flight unless the next member scheduled to fly is on
hand and there is sufficient fuel for the intended flight. In NO case will the tanks be left less than
half full except when FBO is closed.
Then notify the FBO.
12. Members are
required to be current with IAW and all FARs.
13. No member, except
the Maintenance Officer or someone designated by him, may perform any
maintenance on Club aircraft, other than pre-flight inspection, servicing
engine oil, or servicing tires. If you are unsure of the proper grade of oil,
or proper tire pressures, do not perform these services. Contact the
Maintenance Officer or the FBO.
14. Club aircraft may
not be used to give flight instruction to anyone except Club members. No one
except Club Members may fly Club aircraft and then with no commercial use
allowed. Only Flight Instructors who are members of the Club or approved by the
board, may give flight instruction (including BFRs) in Club aircraft.
15. If a member takes
an aircraft for all day or overnight, there will be a two hour minimum charge.
For multiple days, there will be a two hour minimum charge for each day the
aircraft is away from Illinois Valley Airport. If you have a doubt about your
flight and the minimum charge requirement, check with a board member.
16. If more than 15
minutes late for a reservation, then reservation shall be invalid.
17. The online program
Flight Schedule Pro will be used for flight reservations. Be courteous and cancel if you are not going
to make your commitment.
18. It will be the
pilot’s responsibility to log each flight in the book provided for this purpose
in the aircraft.
19. Envelopes will be
provided for entry of each transaction.
They will match the plane’s logbook entry. Pilots will then calculate what is owed and
seal the payment inside the envelope. It
will be the pilot’s responsibility to make the payments to the club and not carry
any transactions over from one month into the next month. Envelopes may be deposited in the mailbox in
hangar #1 or in the airport office. Make
checks payable to:
IVFC or Illinois Valley Flying Club
4241 Ed Urban Drive
Peru, IL 61354
(815) 223-8441
Payment may also be directed to the Club Treasurer. No Credit
Cards Accepted. You may also use your Paypal account to pay for flights. illinoisvalleyflyingclub@yahoo.com
20. If, in the event
an accident, incident, or any such damage to an aircraft owned by the Illinois
Valley Flying Club, Inc., has been attributed to a member while as a student
member, equity member, or charter member, and acting as Pilot in Command of
said aircraft in which the accident, incident, or damage has been inflicted,
and it has been determined to be the result of Pilot error, he/she will agree
to pay or reimburse the Illinois Valley Flying Club, Inc., any deductible
amount listed on the existing insurance carried by the Illinois Valley Flying
Club, Inc.
21. Anyone wanting to
run for office must place his/her name in nomination by January 15 to be eligible
to run for an office at the annual meeting.
22. Members who are in
arrears will be assessed 10% per month.
23. Each active member
is to purchase or sell the required number of raffle and breakfast tickets for
the Fly-In Breakfast. Payment for the tickets as well as the return of the
raffle ticket stubs must be received prior to the 12 pm drawing on the day of
the Fly-In Breakfast.
24. Each member is to
work at the Fly-in breakfast a minimum of 5 hours. Working less than 5 hours will be at the discretion
of the Vice-president. A fine of $200
shall be assessed for not working. To avoid the fine, you may have a substitute
work your hours.
25. Cars are not to be
parked in hangars.
26 Members are to pay
dues on an annual basis. Dues are Four Hundred
Twenty ($420) dollars. Where hardships
occur, arrangements with the Treasurer should be made.
27. Currency
requirements as required by our Insurance and the Board of Directors:
A. Skyhawk and Archer
Pilot maintains a private or more advanced
pilot certificate and has demonstrated to the named insurer’s appropriately
certified flight instructor, the piloting skill required for the aircraft
Completed a checkout in each make and model of
aircraft by a Club instructor.
Must meet currency requirements of the FAA
Pilot maintains a student pilot certificate
while under the direct supervision of an appropriately certified flight
instructor for all dual flight instruction and prior to solo flight has
received the instructor’s appropriate written endorsement(s) of the student’s
certificate and logbook for solo flight in an aircraft of the same make and
model being flown.
If you have not flown within One Hundred (120)
days, you must fly with an instructor to get signed off for the aircraft.
B. Arrow
or other complex aircraft (retractable gear, constant speed prop and/or cowl
Pilot maintains a private or more advanced
pilot certificate and has demonstrated to the insured’s appropriately certified
flight instructor the piloting skill required for the aircraft being flown and
who has logged a minimum total time of 100 hours including either Twenty-Five
(25) hours in single engine aircraft with retractable landing gear and Five (5)
hours in the make and model; or in lieu of type time and make and model time,
Ten (10) hours of dual flight instruction in aircraft of the same make and
model being flown including at least Fifteen (15) takeoffs and landings while
accompanied by an appropriately certified flight instructor.
If you have not flown a retractable gear
aircraft in the previous Ninety (90) days, you must fly with an instructor to
get signed off for the aircraft.